
The 21-Day Challenge: Why Weekly Check-Ins with Your Coach Are Important

There are several reasons why a health coach might ask you to check in with them on a weekly basis. One reason is to help you stay on track with your health goals. Checking in allows your health coach to track your progress, identify any challenges you may be facing, and offer support and guidance.

What is the purpose of weekly check ins with a health coach for a 21-Day Challenge

  1. To track progress: A weekly check-in can help you to track your progress over the course of the challenge. You can then identify any areas where you may need to make adjustments.
  2. To stay motivated: A weekly check-in can help keep you motivated and on track. You'll have the opportunity to discuss your progress and any challenges you may be facing with your coach.
  3. To get support: A weekly check-in can provide an opportunity to get support from your coach and to ask any questions you may have about the challenge.
  4. To stay accountable: A weekly check-in can help to create a sense of accountability, as you'll be discussing your progress with someone else. This can be a powerful motivator to help you stay on track.
  5. Personalized support: A health coach can work with you to create a personalized plan that fits your specific needs and goals.
  6. Expert guidance: A health coach has the knowledge and training to help guide you through the process of making lifestyle changes.
  7. Increased motivation: Having a health coach can help you stay motivated and on track throughout the 21-day challenge.

Setting weekly goals can be a useful way to stay organized and focused, and to ensure that you are making progress towards your longer-term goals. It can also help you to prioritize your tasks and allocate your time effectively. By setting specific, achievable goals for each week, you can help to motivate yourself and stay on track. Your coach can help to break down larger goals into smaller, weekly goals and make them feel more manageable and less overwhelming.

Why is it important to set weekly goals?

Setting weekly goals can be a useful way to stay organized and focused, and to ensure that you are making progress towards your longer-term goals. It can also help you to prioritize your tasks and allocate your time effectively. By setting specific, achievable goals for each week, you can help to motivate yourself and stay on track. Your coach can help to break down larger goals into smaller, weekly goals and make them feel more manageable and less overwhelming.

How well will my health coach really know me and how my body works in just a few weeks?

A health coach can get to know you and your body well in just a week, but it's important to understand that it's not a one-time process. Normally, a coach would work with you over time to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. But a 21-Day challenge gives you and your new coach an opportunity to get to know each other through your weekly check-ins. And the more time you spend working together, the better they will understand you and your body.

During your first meeting, your coach will help you carve out your goals and devise a solid plan. This plan may include diet, exercise lifestyle changes, depending on the 21-Day Challenge you choose. Your coach will also likely provide you with support, guidance and motivation during this process.

It's important to note that the initial assessment and plan development is just the beginning of your journey with a health coach. Over time, they will be able to get to know you and your body in-depth over time and adjust their approach accordingly to help you achieve your goals.

A health coach can certainly get to know you and your body well in just a week, but it's important to understand that it's an ongoing process. They will work with you over time to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. The more time you spend working together, the better your coach will understand you and your body. With a dedicated and knowledgeable coach, you'll be on your way to a healthier and happier you.

I didn't reach my goals this week and I'm worried about disappointing my health coach. Now I don't want to check in, should I skip my appointment?


It is understandable that you may feel disappointed about not meeting your goals. But in general, it's a good idea to keep your appointments with your health coach. Your coach is there to support you and help you make progress and skipping check-ins may make it more difficult for them to do so.

Instead of skipping your appointment, consider taking your concerns and challenges to your coach. They may be able to offer suggestions or strategies to help you get back on track. It is important to remember that progress towards health goals is often not a straight line. It is normal to experience setbacks or challenges along the way. Your health coach can help you navigate these challenges and work towards your goals.

It is also important to remember that your health coach is not there to judge you or make you feel discouraged. Coaches are there to support and encourage you. They are there to help you develop the skills and strategies you need to make lasting changes to your health and well-being. Don't be afraid to be honest and open with your coach about your challenges and struggles. This can help them better understand your needs and tailor their support to your individual situation.

I did the work but I feel like nothing changed this week. Why do I still need to meet with my coach?

It's completely normal to have ups and downs when it comes to making lifestyle changes and working towards health goals. It is possible that you haven't noticed any significant changes this week because progress is often slow and incremental. However, it's important to remember that small, consistent changes can add up to big results over time.

Here are a few reasons why your health coach may wants you to check in with them even if you don't feel like anything has changed:

  1. To track progress: This is important, even if it's slow, to identify any areas where you may need extra support or to make adjustments to your plan.
  2. To provide support and motivation: A health coach can provide these to help you stay on track, even when you're not seeing significant changes.
  3. To overcome obstacles: If you're not making progress, it may be because you're facing some sort of obstacle. Your health coach can help you identify and overcome these obstacles to get back on track.
  4. To celebrate small victories: Add up those small victories! They lead to the big ones. Your health coach can help you identify these wins and keep you motivated.

Working with a health coach during a 21-day challenge can provide personalized support and expert guidance. Ultimately, the most important thing is to find a challenge that works for you and that you feel comfortable committing to.

Progress is rarely a straight line and there may be setbacks. Your coach is there with you to find solutions when it may seem impossible. They are there as your accountability partner, your cheerleader, your identifier of solutions. The weekly check-in with your coach will help you reach your goals! You can do this!